가야곡초중학교 - 학교 급식, 일정, 시간표, 갤러리

by minikupa



Easily check the feed, timetable, schedule, gallery, etc. of Gaya Gok Elementary School and Gaya Gok Middle School through the Gaya Gok Elementary School app.Gaya Gok Elementary and Junior High School does not need to carry a meal table, timetable, or schedule, and it is easy to show meals, timetable, schedule, and gallery without having to go directly to the school website and access the gallery. In addition, the downloaded meals, timetables, schedules, and galleries can be saved and checked on a mobile phone for use in an offline environment.[main function]1. Meal: We use our own server to get the meal from Nice more quickly, and we can save the meal to view the meal offline.2. Timetable: You can view the timetable by creating or searching the timetable yourself. You can share your own timetables, and you can save or search timetables for offline viewing.3. Schedule: It uses its own server to fetch and use schedules faster from Nice, and you can create schedules by selecting from simple schedules and detailed schedules. You can distribute the created schedule, or search for someone elses schedule. You can also save the created or searched schedule for offline viewing.4. Gallery: Using our own server, we are using the gallery from the schools homepage more quickly, and you can click the photo to enlarge it.===================If you give us an error or improvement opinion, we will reflect it in a short time. Thank you.===================